Making Connections
Small Group Ministries
There’s A LOT going on this winter…West End is brimming with opportunities to get involved – and better yet – to get connected.
We have many Adult Small Groups, and volunteer opportunities that provide SO MANY ways for everyone to grow in faith, hope and love. Take a look at this year’s ministry options to find out where you can connect. If you would like to register as a participant for any groups, please contact the church office: or 780-454-8151

The Drama of Scripture
The Drama of Scripture
Based on the intro to Theology class at King’s this class will explore the origins of the Bible and its key themes. Join Pastor Lisa on Sunday mornings from 9-9:45 am for a guided tour of the great story of scripture from Genesis to Revelations
September 29 through November 24 (excluding October 13)

This informal group of seniors will gather once or twice a month in church during the daytime during weeks when the Senior’s Bible Study does not meet. The group will discuss current events as we try to apply our Christian faith to what’s going on out there in God’s world. We will agree to share our honest opinions and agree to disagree graciously wherever necessary. Pastors Bob and Cecil will lead the conversation and, when it comes to sharing their own pet opinions, have agreed to behave themselves. Led by Bob DeMoor and Cecil Van Niejenhuis, bi-weekly, Wednesdays @ 10 -11am, starting October 2 @ the church.

Wednesday Morning Bible Study
This group meets bi-weekly on Wednesday mornings @ 10 am in Rm. 3
This fall we will continue our journey through the book of Revelation
Begins September 25
Led by Pastor Lisa