This Sunday
Order of Service
March 23, 2025
Prelude Song: Psalm 19 May the Words of my Mouth
God Calls Us to Worship
*Song of Approach: LUYH 581 Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee vs 1-3
*Call to Worship
*God’s Greeting
*Song: How Deep The Father’s Love For Us
Children’s Offering
Children’s Message
*Children’s Song: I’ve Got a River of Life
We Respond with Thanks and Prayer
Offerings: Diaconal Ministries – New Ground
Offertory: Multiply Your Love
Congregational Prayer
God Comes to us in His Word
Scripture Reading: II Samuel 9:1-13, Luke 6:27-36
on page 439 and 1468 in pew Bible
Message: The Fruit of the Spirit is . . . kindness
We are Reconciled to God
We confess our sins
Prayer of Confession
*Assurance of Pardon
*Song of Response: LUYH 334 May the Mind of Christ My Saviour vs 1-5
God Sends Us With a Blessing
*God’s Blessing: Heb 13:20,21
*Parting Song: LUYH 938, My Friends May You Grow In Grace
Postlude: Yet Not I But Through Christ In Me
At WECRC we believe Christians are called to be generous with the resources God has entrusted to us. We are inspired to give freely of ourselves, our time, our talents and our treasures as the visible expression of our love for God and each other. May God provide.
TODAY.Missionary Support (Global)- The Herreras and Semillas de Nueva Creación (Seeds of New Creation): Adrianna and Raul Herrera are Connection Coaches that partner churches in North America with churches and Christian organizations in Central America. The Herraras have partnered West End CRC with “Semillas de Neuva Creación–Seeds of New Creation” ( Seeds of New Creation is a group of ministries looking to make God’s kingdom visible in El Salvador, focusing on Children & Youth, Women, Training Pastors and Leaders, and Church in the Community. West End CRC has committed to giving $12,000 yearly to these two groups. Please designate your offering to ‘Herreras & Seeds’./
Next Week. West End Ministries: Our West End Ministries offering supports our church’s yearly budget needs. These include paying our staff, administration, building expenses, church supplies, and classical and denominational ministries. We are grateful for our faithful pastoral and staff leadership, our beautiful building and community, our many faith formation programs, and the ability to worship via livestream. May God continue to lead us to give back to him faithfully. Giving options can be found at
Send E-transfers to (NEW!) and choose the option to notify us via email. All -transfers should be labelled appropriately with the cause you are supporting in the comment section. More options & details available at