Gifting Our Resources
Donate Funds to West End CRC or one of its Ministries
At WECRC we believe Christians are called to be generous with the resources God has entrusted to us. We are inspired to give freely of ourselves, our time, our talents and our treasures as the visible expression of our love for God and each other.
Giving to WECRC Ministries and Weekly Offerings: There are many ways you can give your gifts. If you require any assistance, please email our Financial Administrator. If you think the church does not have your complete address to issue a tax receipt, please email the office or call 780-454-8151 to update your mailing address.
Mailing Address:
10015-149 Street, Edmonton, AB T5P 4Y4
Via Pre-Authorized Debit
Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) is a pre-authorized automatic withdrawal. Complete the PAD form, attach a VOID cheque, and return to the Financial Administrator or the office. Please allow up to 30 days for setup, changes or cancellations. This option is not available via credit card.
NOTE: Withdrawals only occur on dates 1, 5, 10, 15 and 20.
Any requests for different dates will be moved to the next available.
Via Cheque
Cheques can be made out to West End CRC and dropped off at the office or mailed.
ALL cheque’s should be labelled appropriately with the cause you are supporting in the memo line.
Via Cash
DO NOT SEND CASH IN THE MAIL. Cash donations can be dropped off at the church office.
ALL cash should be placed in an envelope with your full name and labelled appropriately with the cause you are supporting.
Office Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9 am – 3 pm
Via e-Transfer
Send e-transfers to and choose the option to notify us via email.
ALL e-transfers should be labelled appropriately with the cause you are supporting in the comment section.
Via Tokens
Tokens can be purchased at the office.
ALL tokens should be placed in an envelope with your full name and labelled appropriately with the cause you are supporting.
Using Credit Union Internet Banking
If you are a Credit Union member (including Christian Credit Union, Servus Credit Union, and credit unions coast-to-coast), you can now make contributions to West End Christian Reformed Church via Credit Union Internet Banking bill payment options. You can do it as a one-time payment or as a recurring one. Contact your bank for help in setting up the payee.
Add West End Christian Reformed Church as a ‘payee’. In the ‘account’ box enter your church envelope number as a three-digit number (add zeroes in front if your envelope number is below 100; for example, 002 or 068). If you wish to designate your donation for a particular cause(s) other than West End CRC Ministries (budget), please send a separate email to our Financial Administrator with your intended allocation.
Via Credit Card
Click here to be re-directed to our Credit Card options.
OTHER MINISTRIES should be labelled appropriately with the cause you are supporting in the comment section.