Photo Galleries
This page contains links to a number of photo galleries related to events in the life of our church. Click on the title or image of the gallery you’d like to view. Each gallery’s “Photos” button link is connected to a separate album that will open in a new browser page.
Once you are on an album page you can choose to look at the images as a slideshow or you can look at each image in sequence by clicking on the first one and then using the right arrow to navigate to the next one or the left arrow for the previous one.
Additional photo galleries can be seen by clicking on the “older/next entries” links at the bottom of the page.
Construction Progress
Summer 2011 (photos by William Vanden Born) Back to Main Gallery
Groundbreaking Ceremony
June 2011 Preparing to build the new Fellowship Hall. (photos by Fran Aarnoutse) Back...
Fundraising Dinner (Leder Barn)
June 2011 Located at the Leder Barn. (photos by Fran Aarnoutse) Back to Main...