Discipleship, Community, Growth
Youth Ministry
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Youth is designed for teens in Grades 7-12
Every Sunday morning the Youth Room is open for fun and fellowship – including snacks, drinks and games.
Youth meets two Sunday evenings a month for learning and fellowship from 7-9pm, October thru April.
The first Friday of most months we meet for an activity or event such as bowling, laser tag, skating, and more… Our fall retreat this year is October 21-23 at Strathcona Wilderness Centre, the 2024 Ski Trip to Marmot Basin is scheduled for March 2/3 and the Spring 2024 retreat is May 31-June 2.
Youth also engages in regular community service with the Mustard Seed, Hope Mission, the Christian Care Centre and other community organizations.
As a church we are also committed to helping our teens use and grow their gifts in at least one of the many ministry areas of the church, including a variety of children’s ministries, music and audiovisual.
In the spring and fall, those who wish to make public profession of their faith prepare themselves for this event in a special class by talking about and reflecting on the meaning of making a commitment to Jesus Christ and assuming responsibilities in the church family.