Drop by the Welcome Desk and say hi
Nice To Meet You!
You’re Always Welcome at West End Christian Reformed Church!
When you arrive, you may notice that we have a small parking lot and if you arrive just before 10 or shortly thereafter you would need to find street parking. And that latecomers are always still very welcome. Upon entering the doors to the church on a Sunday morning, into the fellowship hall, you will be welcomed by the hosts for the day. One of them will show you where to find the room you may be looking for, such as coatroom, washroom, or childcare. In the fellowship hall there is also an information kiosk, as well as a visitors’ table with information about church programs. At a registration desk near the doors into the sanctuary you may leave your name and phone number for later contact by a member of the pastoral staff. If you prefer, you can fill in a card you can find in the pew rack and place it in the offering bag or hand it to an usher after the service. Photographs of the current church staff members are on the wall.
At the door to the sanctuary, greeters will welcome you to the worship service. An usher will hand you a copy of the bulletin that includes an order of worship. Feel free to sit anywhere you like; there are no reserved seats except some that are clearly marked as such. Feel free to ask the usher to show you to a seat. The sanctuary seats about 900 people in a semi-circular arrangement. Just inside the sanctuary, on the right, there is a glass-enclosed room, where mothers or fathers with young babies can join in the service and at the same time meet their babies’ needs.
If you have questions that you can’t find answers for, please feel free to contact us using the form under the ‘Contact Us‘ tab.