Job Opportunity: Gift Developer

Job Description: Gifts Developer
To submit a resume or expression of interest: Email Darren at
Type of Position: part-time, .2 fulltime equivalent, salaried
Date Posted: May 10, 2024
Accountability: The Gifts Developer is accountable to West End Christian Reformed Church council and to the Lead Pastor.
Position Description: In Romans 12 Paul encourages believers to respond to God’s saving grace by “offer[ing] your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is true worship” (12:1). Paul then describes how we make this living sacrifice by discerning and using our Spirit-given gifts in service of our Lord, the Church, and God’s Kingdom. The Gifts Developer will help members and adherents of West End Christian Reformed Church to discern, develop, and utilize their gifts as a key part of their worship and service to our Lord.
1. Ensure there are two stewardship-focussed sermons planned per year.
2. With the worship committee provide two services annually that celebrate Christian service and those who serve well in our church, community, and beyond.
3. Offer gifts discernment workshops for general membership once per year, where participants will identify their gifts, passions/interests (“heart for”), and where those gifts are needed.
4. Consult with and assist ministry leaders in their planning and in their recruitment of volunteers.
5. At the start of every church year develop a plan with the elders outlining specific steps they will take to help those in their care to discern their calling as it arises out of their own story and context.
6. At the start of every church year develop a plan with the deacons for how they will lead our members and attenders in stewarding their gifts within our church, in our community, and worldwide.
7. Compile and keep updated a list of ministries outside of West End in which members/attenders of West End are involved, and a list of ministries outside West End in which involvement is being sought.
8. Once per year meet with the pastoral visitors to develop a plan together for how they can help those under their care to discern and utilize their gifts.
9. At least once per year meet with the Lead Pastor and worship committee chair to develop strategies for including members in worship leadership (e.g. as song-leaders, liturgists, readers, artists, visuals).
10. At least once per year meet with our technician leadership to develop ways of recruiting and training new techies.
11. Together with representatives of the Safe Church Committee, meet at least twice per year with the Pastor of Faith Formation and Child-care and Sunday school representative to develop plans for recruitment, training, and supervision of volunteer leaders.
12. Meet at least once per year with the Outreach Committee to develop a plan for using member gifts in the area of outreach, witness and evangelism.
13. Develop a database for member/adherent gifts, passions, abilities, and willingness to serve in church ministries.
14. Upon request, supply ministries seeking new leaders/participants with a list of suitable candidates.
15. Provide training for those aspiring to the office off elder, deacon, pastoral visitor, or ministry chair.
16. Provide orientation for new ministry leaders.
17. Ensure that coordination of efforts and activities occurs with the Pastor of Faith Formation to streamline communication and resources in line with the Building Blocks of Faith Formation.
18. Perform gifts-related task as assigned by council in coordination with the Lead Pastor and Pastor of Faith Formation.
1. A love for the Lord, the Church, and our congregation.
2. Ordination as a Minister of the Word, Commissioned Pastor, or ordained elder in the Christian Reformed Church is preferred.
3. Related pastoral experience for a minimum of five years fulltime equivalent is preferred.
4. Excellent interpersonal relational and communications skills with respect to groups and individuals of all ages.
5. Administrative ability to organize events, programs, and congregational initiatives together with computer skills to develop and manage a dedicated database.
6. Ability to work effectively in a multi-team setting.


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